Thanks for the checking out the blog for this Global Leadership Adventures Custom Group program!
Here are a few things you can expect:
- Blog posts are written by onsite program staff and/or students and sent to our Headquarters team who will post the blog on this page.
- We typically receive 2-3 blog updates per week from each program, so please don’t be alarmed if you don’t see a blog post every day – that’s totally normal.
- Blog updates received late in the evening or overnight will be posted the following day.
- Blog updates received on weekends may not be posted until Monday.
- Due to many factors such as internet accessibility, program staff aren’t always able to send photos, so some blog posts may contain text only.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we hope you enjoy following along on these unforgettable adventures.
For frequently asked questions about the blogs, please visit our Program Blog FAQ page.
-The Global Leadership Adventures HQ Team
*Please note – Posts below are in order of most recent first.
Blog by Alyah
Blog by Shahad
We became full of happiness and activity, we had breakfast at 7:30 and then we went to the first destination of Maharaja Hospital and divided us into three groups to explore the hospitals and the specialties we were passionate about and we enjoyed it. The doctors were good and welcome us from every side and then we ate lunch in McDonald’s and then we completed our tour in the hospital and then we finished and harvested a lot of information that might help us study medicine and choose our appropriate specialty and we got a break for two hours and the family doctor came and explained the things and the difference between general medicine and the family and we benefitted from it and renewed our information and the last step in our beautiful day. We all went to have dinner in a popular market.
اصبحنا ونحن مليئين بالسعاده والنشاط افطرنا الساعه 7:30 ومن ثم طلعنا الي اول وجهه مستشفى maharaja وتقسمنا إلى ثلاث مجموعات لنستكشف المستشفى و التخصصات الشغوفين بها و استمتعنا فيها و كانوا الاطباء طيبين و يرحبون فينا من كل جهه ومن ثم أكلنا وجبة الغداء في ماكدونلدز و من بعدها أكملنا جولتنا في المستشفى ومن ثم انتهينا وحصدنا الكثير من المعلومات التي قد تساعدنا في دراسة الطب واختيار تخصصنا المناسب وحصلنا على استراحه ساعتين و أتت دكتوره طب الاسره و وضحت لنا الأشياء و الفرق بين الطب العام والاسره و استفدنا منها وجددنا معلوماتنا و آخر خطوه في يومنا الجميل هاذا ذهبنا جميعاً لتناول وجبه العشاء في سوق شعبي.