Hola mi amigos of Costa Rica Beach and Sports!!!!
I’m hoping this letter finds you all happy and healthy! Can you believe it’s already October?! I can’t! There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think back of all the memories of the amazing summer we got to spend together. During my travels through Central America I found myself telling all the people I met about GLA and all of my awesome students (Hey! That’s you guys!), the wonderful mentors, and all of the adventures we went on this summer.
One of my main highlights (of many) included all of the great community service we did. Those 4 gigantic holes transformed into a finished bridge! The school children are enjoying the tire parks we built at this very moment (unless you’re reading this at midnight…in which case they are probably sleeping)! People of the town are admiring the new mural. The community is using the church for great events! Beautifying the surrounding beaches and towns by cleaning up trash and painting the trashcans was so cool! Those high school students are feeling more confident in their English abilities. These and many other projects all contributed to a greater sense of community that we built together. I’m so proud of every single one of you. We did it! Nice work!
What a rockin’ summer! I can’t believe how much we did in such few days! Let’s all take a moment to remember those delicious empanadas (my mouth is watering just thinking about them), the beautiful beaches we explored, all the laughs we shared, all the homemade jewelry we made, the forests we zipped through, Chito and the other local staff we shared moments with, the mud we slathered all over ourselves and most importantly, all the new friends and memories we made.
I hope this summer has left you with sprouting seeds of not only self-development, but also community development. I hope you continue to do great things and you have a greater spark to explore the world and yourself. Don’t’ forget to appreciate the little things in life, because often those are the best.
You made my summer so special and I thank you all so much for it! I came away a different person and it’s all thanks to the students, the mentors and the local community. This summer was simply unforgettable!
I wish you all the best of luck this school year! I hope our paths cross again (I think it’s possible!)
Pura Vida,
Don’t just relive your summer abroad. Experience GLA in a whole new way next summer, in a country you’ve never been to before. Then check out Lindsey’s favorite memories below.
Lindsey’s Favorite Memories:
- The first crazy boat ride to the island with Tiffany’s group and the boat filling up with water
- Panchito eating everything in sight!
- Dance parties in the busses (BilandooooooooOOOOooooo)
- Ice cream social- scooping ice cream into your hands
- Almost winning the community soccer game! We were so close!
- All of my special airport pickups and drop-offs
- A special someone jumping into the pool with someone else’s bathing suit on
- Making friendship bracelets with Aleisha (Thanks for the homemade cookies!)
- The GIANT bon fire of session 6