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Here are a few things to know and expect:
- Blog posts are written by onsite program staff and/or students and sent to our Headquarters team who will post the blog on this page.
- We typically receive 2-3 blog updates per week from each program, so please don’t be alarmed if you don’t see a blog post every day – that’s totally normal.
- Blog updates received late in the evening or overnight will be posted the following day.
- Blog updates received on weekends may not be posted until Monday.
- Due to many factors such as internet accessibility, program staff aren’t always able to send photos, so some blog posts may contain text only.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we hope you enjoy following along on these unforgettable adventures.
For frequently asked questions about the blogs, please visit our Program Blog FAQ page.
-The Global Leadership Adventures HQ Team
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Hola a todos!
We are already down two days of starting adventures and it’s only just begun! On Monday, many of us were excited to travel down the Costa Rican coast to arrive in our home base right on the beach! Twenty-eight of us were even lucky enough to catch the sun right before it set into the ocean and disappear. So many colors!
After a delicious dinner of Traditional chicken and rice, we spent the evening getting to know our new friends while playing games and talking about all of our journeys to arrive! It’s definitely hotter down here but we are having a BLAST meeting all of these new faces and learning about all the exciting experiences we will be having this week!
While this was happening, the other twenty-two were having an adventure all on their own! A flight redirection due to weather sent us to land in San Jose where we boarded buses that cruised across the Costa Rican roads to Liberia. We definitely felt like we came a very long way by the time we were settled into our new beds in Guanacaste, but it felt so nice to immediately smell the fresh ocean air and see mangoes swinging from every other tree. Luckily, we had time in the morning to rest and get ready for everything to come!
We love learning Spanish and learning new games while also teaching each other! So happy we are all finally here safe, sound and cozy! What an incredible community!
Stay tuned for more daily updates coming soon from our Leaders of the Day!
Pura Vida! – Sending lots of love from the Beachside Service Adventure Team
Michelle, Milena, Emma, Laura, Melissa, Andy, Mireia, Cris, TJ and Marcos!
Hi everyone!
Today we had an early wake-up call and had a delicious and nutritious breakfast which included pinto and fruit. We then all split up into our service groups and headed off to our different projects. There were four different service groups that headed off to different locations. In our service projects we work with Verdiazul, Guanacaste Water-Center, Grupo Ecológico Avellanas, and Uniendo Comunidades. After hearing the different opportunities presented in orientation, everyone found something that they were excited about! Whether that was painting murals at local schools, helping out with making safe habitats for turtle eggs, or helping clean the environment to improve the quality of life of local animals, our first days at service were definitely special!
“I loved getting to work so close to the ocean and meet the other local volunteers and leaders”
-Lindsey S.
“It was so interesting to see how the way of life in Costa Rica differs from my life in the United States, especially with the local school children. I loved meeting them, they were adorable.” -Sadie C.
“The local community leaders brought so much positivity to our work, we constantly knew our impact and how we could make a difference…inspiring my friends and I to work harder.”
-Thomas K.
“After going to the school, it made me realize how happy the kids are even though they don’t have our amenities. They always have a smile on their faces no matter the situations which transmits such a good energy to everyone.” -Milena G.
Hello friends!
Today we continued our exhibition in Guanacaste, Costa Rica! Starting the day off with a hearty meal, we had Gallo Pinto, Eggs, Cereal and some fresh muffins. Our activities of the day started with service. A torrential downpour early in the morning couldn’t stop us and we went out with positive attitudes to make a difference.
After we returned from their hard morning at work, we ate lunch, took a dip in the pool and got back on the buses to go to our local director, Milena´s home to learn the process of making Costa Rican empanadas.
While there, we participated in Traditional Costa Rican rally games which felt like different versions of capture the flag, soccer, and even Quidditch. We finished our day with a final meal and mentor groups. Tonight we discussed the affects of cell phone usage in our daily lives. We are excited for what awaits for us in the future!
¨I loved being able to help the local community with recycling and community immersion. Pura Vida!¨-Ryann W.
“It was very interesting to learn about microplastics and how they pose a threat to the environment. I´m glad we were able to help clean up playa Junquillal.”
-José P.
“I had so much fun today while working on the beach during service! We got to see a group of horses stampede onto the sand which has been the coolest part of the trip so far!” -Isla T.
“Today at the Guanacaste Water Center, we helped our local leaders clear branches and logs out of a lower muddy area to create a walking path. We learned many new things and stayed positive even in the mud and rain.” -Chase E.
Hello everybody!
Today we ate breakfast that consisted of pinto, French toast, and cereal. After fuelling up with the delicious food we ate, we joined our service groups. More specifically, the Verdiazul group built turtle nests, along with our mentors and service partners. The Uniendo Comunidades group planted some tomatoes and corn in a small town. The Guanacaste Water Center group went to a school, planted trees and cleaned the school nursery. Finally, the Grupo Ecologico de Avellanas cleaned up the beach and created signs to create reminders for recycling.
After a day of hard work, we ate a tasty taco lunch and then we did the Grand Debate, which was a really fun activity. We learned a lot about the pineapple industry and how big companies may be hurting the environment and community more than helping. We were organized into teams of different sides of the debate. Then we had a super fun pool party with music and had time to spend with our new friends. Next, we ate a healthy dinner with rice and veggies. Finally, in mentor groups, we learned about our personality types and how we act as a leader.
“I loved cleaning the beaches and the sunset!” -Ava F
“Today I had a lot of fun learning about the turtles in the nursery and learning how to find their eggs on the beaches.” -Ava K
“I had an incredible time going to the local school nearby the Guanacaste water centre and meeting the students who were very nice and informational.”
-Diego A.
“I really felt proud of what our group did today since we gave a small community a food source just outside of their houses, meaning they wont have to leave town to get more food.” -Miquel G.
Hey all!
This morning, we had a delicious breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, and cereal. After a great meal, all four community service groups headed out to make a difference in the world despite the pouring rain. The Guanacaste Water Centre worked to protect supplies and saplings from the coming flood. The Uniendo Comunidades group worked on improving the beauty of a nearby playground by painting tires in an array of colors to enhance the space for local children and families. The Verde Azul group completed a beach cleanup, replenished a sandy turtle nest, and finalized all other preparations to ensure the safety of newborn sea turtles. The Group Ecologico de Avellanas discussed the importance of service for Costan Rican communities and the environment. They made signs to put up around the community as a way to spread awareness.
After a long and soaked day of work, we indulged in chicken, fries, and rice for lunch, followed by preparation for the talent show. After coming up with some creative and entertaining acts, we attended a sweaty and energetic dance class to learn traditional Costa Rican dances such as the Salsa and El Torito. The class was followed by hungry students swarming to get dinner, which consisted of chicken, rice, beans, and fried plantain (a sweet Costa Rican delicacy).
After a bite to eat, we gathered around to watch our peers perform 9 diverse acts, including music, magic, soccer, and skits. We were blessed by the wonderful surprise of Nico, the son of our gracious host family here on home base, who sang 3 fantastic songs alongside the guitar, which won the hearts of all students at GLA!
“I hope that the children have fun playing on the new playground equipment. I also hope they learn the significance of recycling old materials into something new and useful” -Joy
“It felt nice to assist with the beach cleanup! I felt very accomplished after seeing the immediate difference my group made.” -Gavin
“My group and I have been working so hard and enthusiastically to clear areas that could be harmful during imminent flooding as well as working alongside volunteers in other programs, including a local high school. Feeling like the work you are doing is genuinely contributing to something makes all of the bug bites and rain worth it!” -Lucy
“Working with the Costa Rican community and the others around me to pick up trash on the beaches has made me realize how big of an impact we as humans really have on the world in regards to combating climate change.” -Levi
Pura Vida!!
This past week has been a blast, and today was no exception. After an early morning, we took to the road, preparing for an exciting Adventure Day. We took a break from our daily service, to experience some of what Costa Rica has to offer.
The long bus ride provided time to socialize and eat a quick breakfast consisting of empanadas, apples and granola bars. The first activity of the day was to tube down the Rio Negro with the Hacienda Guachipelin tour group. The event was thrilling and provided a breathtaking way to experience the beauty of Costa Rica. After that, the group was guided through an entertaining rope and zipline course through the treetops of the Tropical dry Forest. We were challenged by the obstacles such as rock climbing and rope swings. Due to the challenges faced, we were exhausted and hungry, but it was completely worth it for the adventure of a lifetime. Luckily, we were provided with an exceptional meal that more than satisfied the collective.
On our way home we stopped and had the welcome opportunity to look at and buy souvenirs to commemorate our trip. It was a quiet ride back to home base as everyone was sound asleep. Once we got back, we were surprised with pizza for dinner. After dinner, our mentor groups gave us a chance to reflect on our work and personal life. It was very powerful. We can´t wait to see what the coming days have in store.
“The experience I have gained from this program thus far has been more than I could have ever dreamed. The people and location are so beautiful and have definitely shifted my worldview and I would be delighted to return. ” -Lauren
“It has been an incredible experience just to be here and really try to change this community for the better. Seeing the results of our work has really been amazing and I hope that that can continue over the last few days. ” -Hayden
“Visiting many communities throughout Guanacaste has been one of the best experiences. Understanding the culture of the many welcoming locals has been great. I can’t believe tomorrow is my last service day with Uniendo Communidades!” -Marlene
Hi Everyone!
Today was a bittersweet ending to a great five days of service, but it still held great memories and great fun. It was also the birthday of a fellow friend we all know and love, Brett Schmidt. Overall, today was on par with the GLA experience, another action packed 24 hours of nonstop fun.
Getting up at the usual time, we ate a delicious pancake breakfast with and birthday wishes flying left and right. Separating into our service groups, each of us having different tasks ahead of us. Verdiazul began the day with sorting trash but ended exchanging memories and playing games. Uniendo Comunidades finished painting the school, visited on the first day, and played games with the awesome environmental group. At the Guanacaste Water Center we cleaned and planted seeds and then gathered round for some hot chocolate while we said our farewells. Finally, Grupo Ecological Avellanas traveled to a beach to hang up the signs they had made previously in their sessions, as well as clean up the new beach that they had travelled to with Frank a member of the GEA organization.
The latter half of the day was reserved for the beach Olympics. Five teams battled it out in various beach games, including beach ball dodgeball and catch the flag. In the end, the green team won, but all teams showed great effort. To celebrate, we watched as Brett swung at his birthday piñata and scrambled for the candies that flew from it! We closed out the day with a decadent taco dinner, and fonal cheers to Brett and his birthday. We´re excited for our next day on the catamaran, realizing this life-changing experience is coming to an end.
“It was very sad to say goodbye to our Verdiazul leader Valerie, but we were definitely happy looking back on all our service days” -Lucas
“As today´s service came to an end, I realized how fast time truly flies. Eight days are done and only one left of fun. Thank you to everyone that works in this program for the life-changing experience. Thank you to all the friends I made. I will truly miss you all.” -Claudia I.
“The dedication of the people who work at the Guanacaste Water Center is incredible. I, along with the whole group, found their attitude and work ethic to be very inspiring.” -Fiona C.
“I’m very glad that the leaders of my service project group, and the people in it, made it so that my entire experience with GLA was super fun. I will miss this place very much when I leave.” -Henry O.
Today was our last day with GLA which was a mix of emotions. We woke up bright and early to fully enjoy our last day together on a catamaran. The rest of the day was filled with fun activities such as an artisan fair, time at the beach, and a final dinner.
The early bus ride to Tamarindo was tiring but exciting! It went by fast as we ate breakfast burritos and enjoyed each other’s company. We were eager to jump on the catamaran where we sailed into a beautiful cove and had a blast swimming in the waves. While on the boat, we had a delicious lunch that consisted of chicken, chips, fruit, cookies, rice, and beans. After eating lunch, we headed back to shore where we boarded the buses and headed back to home base.
Once we arrived at home base, we had free time to pack our bags for home and get ready for the artisan fair. We changed into our nice outfits and headed outside to see what the vendors had to offer. The selection ranged from handcrafted jewellery to bathing suits to homemade ice cream among many other things. During the artisan fair, a live traditional band played outstanding music on the marimba (a traditional instrument here in Costa Rica) for us to enjoy.
After the fair, everyone headed down to the beach for a final goodbye sunset and photoshoot. We took a group photo and many more. We watched the sun go down before heading back to home base for our final chow circle and dinner. Our delicious dinner consisted of burgers, fries, and salad. We closed our time together by appreciating one another through writing positive words that applied to each person and reminding each other of how great we all are!
Our time here in Costa Rica with GLA has been a life changing experience that has impacted each and every one of us.
“I am so grateful to have been a part of this experience with all these incredible people. I have made memories here that I will never forget, and I truly loved every minute of this trip. I am so glad to have been a part of tomorrow´s solution.” -Jasleen
“This trip has taught me so many different things about myself. I am so happy that I have met these people and hope to continue my friendship with them forever.” -Maddie
“This trip was so amazing and I am so glad to have met the people that have ultimately changed my life. I will never forget my experience here.” -Ella
“My experience with GLA, specifically with my service group Uniendo Communidades, has been so amazing and eye opening. The people of Costa Rica are extremely friendly and are always so joyful no matter their circumstances. I have loved witnessing how they work together to serve their community in many small ways that ultimately makes a huge difference!” -Sadie R
Hola Amigos,
Today was our final day with our wonderful students, after an exciting 10 days! The first group left at 6am and headed to the airport, whilst the others enjoyed one final Costa Rican breakfast. It was bittersweet at the airport, as we shared final moments and reminisced on our last 10 days. There were lots of tears whilst saying goodbye to new friends, but also excitement to go home and reunite with family. As mentors waved goodbye to their students, we were all filled with pride and gratitude for each and every one of them.
We hope to see you all again soon, Pura Vida Amigos!