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- Blog updates sent on weekends may not be posted until Monday.
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-The Global Leadership Adventures HQ Team
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Hola familia y amigos!
We have arrived in Playa Junquillal, in the beautiful Guanacaste province of Costa Rica! It’s time for Spring Break Service Adventure to begin. 🌴
13 students arrived at home base today to see our rooms and explore the hotel that will be our home for the next 7 days. The final 2 students arrive late tonight, and we can’t wait to meet them tomorrow!!
Those of us who arrived early. spent the afternoon completing our swim tests followed by some time in the pool to cool off from the Costa Rican heat. The rest will show off their stellar swimming skills tomorrow!! 🏊♀️
When the sun started to go down, we walked across the street to our home beach to see the sky turn red, pink, and yellow. It was so beautiful!
Dinner was a delicious traditional Costa Rican meal called a “Casado,” with chicken, salad, rice, and beans.
We ended the night with some fun games and free time to settle into our rooms and get to know our roommates.
Tomorrow is orientation day, and then we go to a local beach in the afternoon! We can’t wait to swim in the ocean!!
Pura Vida,
GLA Spring Break Service Adventure 🌴
Today was a long but fun day.
After breakfast, we made our way to orientation where we learned about our program and the rules and regulations. We played introductory games and learned more about each other.
After that, we split up into our cabin groups and created roommate agreements, and then an overall community agreement for our group. These are our ideas for making sure we are respectful to each other and that we have a fun time.
Once finished we did the last of the swim tests and played games in the pool. Later in the day we went for a walk on the beach where we were educated about turtle habitats and played some beach volleyball. When we got back to the hotel, some of us enjoyed refreshing smoothies.
At 5:00 we had a blast learning new local dances and had to choreograph our own dance to show the masses.
After supper we were introduced to and split into our mentor groups to talk about leadership and prepare for the week.
Tomorrow is our first day of service! We will be waking up very early, but we look forward to bringing a positive attitude and having a good time.
Spring Break Service Adventure Leaders of the Day 🌴
Today was service day. To start off the day we had pancakes for breakfast and got in the bus to go to Guanacaste Water Center. We were put into two groups. The first group repotted and moved plants while the second group cut, sanded, and painted wood for new educational signs. We had a nice break and lunch at the center. The amazing people who worked there taught us about the importance of plants and water for the environment. She told us how we are the future of the world and it is very important to connect to nature and protect it.
After working at the plant nursery we went to water some already planted trees on private property. The trees are needed to remake the environment after people have cleared out land. It was tough work but worth it. Back at camp we hung out and some people went to the pool and had ice cream. We got to watch the beautiful pink sun set on the beach, and then had a wonderful dinner to follow. Afterwards we broke into our mentor groups and talked about items that are meaningful to us and created a list of our values.
Overall we worked hard and learned a lot about the environment today! Bye!
– GLA Spring Break Service Adventure Leaders of the Day 🌴
Today was a great day!
After breakfast we got ready and went on a 40 minute bus ride. We went to go zip-lining, once we got there all of the workers where immediately super nice and welcoming. It was very hot outside, there where 10 zip-lines in total, they were so fun!! when we where done we had lunch at the zip-lining place, and then we took a short bus ride to the beach. When we got to the beach, there were vendors everywhere, they sold all sorts of things like souvenirs, drinks, and food. Half of us went swimming while the others went and got drinks in pineapples.
Afterwards, we played beach volleyball, what a great time! We left at 4pm and got caught in traffic for an hour and a half. When we got back we went on a sunset walk and took a bunch of good photos. After our walk everyone went to the restraint to have dinner. Then we watched an informational video and took notes about the negative environmental impacts that come with the process of growing pineapples in costa rica.
– GLA Spring Break Service Adventure Leaders of the Day 🌴
This week has gone by so fast!
The final two days flew by. We finished our service hours at the Guanacaste Water Center by helping them clear dry leaves and brush around the nursery to protect the organization from forest fires that have been breaking out in the area. We learned a lot about the challenges that Costa Ricans are facing with fire safety and protection of property and nature in the areas that are farther away from the city infrastructure. We loved talking with Marcia about solutions for this problem.
After that, we went to a local school and helped water the trees in their garden. We played with some of the children from the school – they loved running around to play tag and rock paper scissors with us. It was so fun!
Then we went to a cooking class in a local Costa Rican home. We ground corn to make homemade empanadas that were cooked on a stone oven with a wood burning flame. After that we played soccer in the field. Some local kids joined us for our game – they were really good at soccer!
At night time we had a discussion about the issues of fire prevention in Costa Rica and had a debate from different perspectives. It was fun and hard at the same time, but we learned a lot.
We spent the last day on a catamaran where some people snorkeled, kayaked, and paddle boarded. We saw puffer fish, star fish, and lots of sea urchins. It was so fun! Some of us didn’t put on enough sunscreen, and got really sunburned.
At the end of the night we did an activity to show appreciation for one another and how much impact we have had on others during the trip. It was really cool to see how many people felt appreciated and connected, and how close of friends we’ve become in such a short time. We topped it all off with a night swim in the pool before saying our last goodbyes! 🏊
Tomorrow we head home! We are taking with us many lessons about Costa Rica, leadership, listening to one another, and having a global perspective on issues. Some of our goals when we go home are to listen more, participate with environmental organizations, and be more aware of issues going on in the world around us.
Thank you for an awesome trip GLA!
Pura Vida 🤙🏼