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- Blog updates received on weekends may not be posted until Monday.
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-The Global Leadership Adventures HQ Team
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Hola family and friends!
It was an exciting arrival day today for our 27 Surf, Sports, and Sustainability students. Most students arrived in the late morning/early afternoon, and once everyone got settled into their rooms, we got to know our beautiful home base and began to get to know each other.
We enjoyed a delicious family dinner of pesto pasta and chicken with fresh salad. We ended the nights with creating name signs for our rooms and cabins before everyone went to rest up for orientation day.
Stay tuned for more daily updates coming soon from our Leaders of the Day!
Pura Vida, GLA Staff Team — Noel, Tiffany, Adrián, Tamara, and Caitlin
Hola family and friends!
We kicked off our first full day with a delicious typical Costa Rican breakfast, a tour of the our amazing home base, Peace Retreat, and practicing our swim skills before surf lessons start tomorrow.
After a lunch of hot dogs and mac n cheese, we learned about Costa Rican culture and got taught some traditional dance moves by one of our amazing mentors, Adrián, and then tried local fruits – cas, starfruit, mamons, dragonfruit, tamarind, and mamon chinos.
The students also met the owner of Peace Retreat, who introduced us to the space and led us in some simple yoga movements as a teaser for his full class later in the program. Then, we got to know the staff and went over the rules for the next two weeks.
In the evening, we loaded up the bus to visit Playa Negra, where students walked along the beach and played a pick up game of soccer.
They wrapped up the day with a dinner of fish and chips and our very first mentor groups. Tomorrow begins surf lessons, local service projects, and blog posts written by our student leaders of the day!
Pura Vida!
GLA Staff Team Noel, Tiffany, Adrián, Caitlin, and Tamara
Today was the first day of real activities, yesterday started out as an orientation day and then today we moved to more sports and some service projects. We woke up at 7 am today because breakfast was a little earlier so it was a little bit more adjustment for us.
Throughout the day as a group we had multiple surf lessons which was a bump for a lot of people because it was their first time and it was scary. Today we focused on just getting up on the board and keeping good balance. It was an amazing opportunity to go onto the beach and see the views and we are super excited for the other surf lessons. In the end we pleasantly surprised our instructors and our mentors with our skills in the water.
After lunch, which was quesadillas for today, we went to meet up with Frank at the local school to take a tour and to talk about the environmental problems. It was very powerful to watch the kids run around and see how affected they are by the changes and how we help them. It’s very cool to see how what we are doing influences that much change. We also went on a very sketchy bridge over some mangrove trees. It was definitely a new terrain for us, one that we hadn’t experienced before. We took a walk on the beach and took in the view before getting a cool lesson about the mangrove trees and their effect on the ecosystems on the shoreline and the importance of them being healthy. It was very cool to listen to because we never knew how big of an impact that they actually made. We then had a friendly competition of what team could find the most mangrove seeds. Tiffany’s team took the win with 16.09 pounds of seeds. Frank was going to use those to plant new mangrove trees that could help the ecosystem years in the future. It was a great opportunity for us to learn about the nature and to help out the ecosystem.
At the end of the day we got home to relax and have some spaghetti for dinner, followed by our nightly mentor groups where we discussed our day and played some games. It was a very fun day to kickstart the activities and glance into the future of what we will be doing for the next two weeks.
We started our day bright and early by enjoying some tasty pancakes and eggs. Next, we went to take care of the goats, feeding them and milking them at Rancho Avellanas. We also got to try different kinds of goat cheese and homemade tortillas. Then, we split into two groups for work. One group moved grass to new areas so the goats and pigs could have more food and we could grow corn. The other group worked hard to turn compost to help the environment. It was hot and sweaty but our positive attitudes made the work pass quickly and we felt satisfied with what we achieved.
Later, we visited a local woman who showed us how to make traditional bean and potato empanadas with fresh corn for tortillas. We also played soccer with local kids and had a fun time together. For dinner, we had a yummy chicken burger with potato wedges.
We watched a video about ecotourism, learning how big hotels can harm villages in Costa Rica.
Student leaders of the day
Lucas, Colin, Henry
Hola friends and family!
We started the morning off bright and early to get ready to eat a delicious breakfast. We got on the bus eager to continue our surf expedition. We caught some nice waves and headed to the local beach bar for some cold drinks.
We then boarded the bus to get some lunch that included chicken and potatoes. We then went to the goat farm to do some service for our main man Juan Carlos, the owner of the farm. We moved some compost and shoveled some dirt. We learned that hard work is required to succeed and make a difference in the community. It showed us how hard the local farmers in Costa Rica work for the things they love.
Lastly we headed back to home base to eat some chicken skewers. Furthermore, we met in groups to review the day. Lastly, we had a fun group gathering with music before bed. 🙂
Pura Vida,
GLA Student Leaders of the Day Ashton, Enzo, and Madison
Today we all woke up early to go on the catamaran. For breakfast, we had breakfast burritos that we ate on the bus. The ride there was packed with excitement. We saw a beautiful islands. When we got there, we snorkel and saw schools of fish along with dozens of sea urchins. Then we have lunch that consisted of pasta, chips, salsa, a sandwich, and a cookie. The ride back it was much calmer. We also ended up seeing dolphins. Overall, the trip was packed with fun times, fascinating views, and a calming finish.
As our afternoon activity, an ex-professional surfer, and current amateur MMA fighter Aldo came as a guest speaker to talk to us about the importance of sports in Costa Rica and an overview of his life story. He covered his adolescence and house surfing came about in his life, he covered travelling to different countries often and the importance of your family, friends, and lifestyle at home, he covered why he quit surfing to move towards MMA, and lastly, gave a summary of the significance of sports and Costa Rican culture and economy.
After the guest speaker, Noel led an enjoyable but difficult stretching, and workout session for the whole group.
At night after having a great workout, we had yucca croquettes as dinner. The food is typical in Costa Rica and is made with cheese, pork and beans, it was the best food we have eaten so far. The group is just now getting closer. We had an amazing time guided by Jun with James, Daniel, Ashton, Teddy, Cole and Jagger listening to Brazilian Funk. In addition to it, mentor group with Adrian was extremely fun because we played a game using soccer balls.
Hey, today is the 6th day in Costa Rica and we started off the morning with a lie in and a short breakfast before we headed to surfing. The instructors helped us out getting waves as they were slightly bigger than usual today. After that we spent an hour at the beach bar relaxing before heading back to Peace Retreat. We showered off and had lunch before getting ready to go to service.
After lunch we went to guanacosta water center where we met the people that work there. They introduced us to their facilities and what we would be doing for the next few hours. We did a lot of work around the property including digging mulch and planting seeds. After a good couple hours of work we went to learn more about what they do. We split into groups and learned about them and how their works helps. After learning about them they told us how we would be working the next few days planting trees. We then left on the bus and returned for a very good dinner.
After we ate some crispy honey chicken for dinner, then we went to a local event with live music, restaurants, and some shops with bracelets and necklaces. We hung out with the locals, and got to know some of the culture outside of GLA. After we hung out at the event we went home and got ready for bed.
Student leaders of the day,
Olivia, Evan and Jack
Today we woke up for an early breakfast at 6:45 and we had pancakes with eggs. After breakfast, we all got on the bus and went to our first service of the day, which was at Rancho Avellanas.
The group separated into three different job categories such as shoveling compost, working with baby goats, and planting trees. It was really hot day but we preserved and got through the first service. Saying goodbye was hard and we will miss the work we were given but we have other projects to begin.
We then headed back for lunch and had tacos, and got some time to rest and prepare for the second project. We then headed to our 2nd service project of the day where we help a water conservation team. We split up into different groups to conquer different tasks. One group cleared out logs making an ecosystem for insects and animals to live in. The second group prepared our plants for our planting tomorrow.
After service we got to visit and local supermarket and play basketball with our service leaders. When we arrived home we had time to clean up before dinner where we had pesto pasta with chicken where after we ended the day with a big mentor group session. We did a group activity and then headed off to bed.
Pura Vida,
GLA Student Leaders of the Day Chase, Jagger, and Jane
We started the day with an experience we’ve never had before, today we had a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience a yoga class with the retreat owner Kevin. It was not like a normal yoga class. This class focused less on stretching the body and more on stretching the walls and limits of our mind. Everyone came out a different person than they were going in to it.
Following up with that we had a great lunch featuring quesadillas, followed up with a nice little break before heading onto our next new adventure that we haven’t experienced yet, the bee farm. On this trip, we learn to plant trees and while doing so we were also faced with a challenge of being near dangerous entries around the entire farm, which was a hurdle we had to overcome. We planted 60 trees today.
After the three hours and 30 minutes of service, we then went and drove back to HB where we had dinner featuring chicken and rice, a cultural meal in Costa Rica, followed up by a great mentor session which taught us about pineapples and the manufacturing of them, as well as agricultural overall Costa Rica and the dangers of pesticides.
Pura Vida,
Liam, Daniel, and James K
Today breakfast was French toast with fruit which was delicious. After breakfast we participated in a community beach cleanup at Playa Negra with Los Pargos Elementary School. The beach cleanup was very nice since it was a sunny day outside. Surprisingly, there was not a lot of trash on the beach when we expected way more. However there was quite a bit of microplastic that we had to carefully collect. We ended the cleanup with an educational talk about recycling as well as playing sports with the children. After that we went back to homebase for lunch.
For lunch today there was chicken with rice and beans. Sadly the second half of the day it was pouring rain. But that didn’t stop us from continuing our journey. We went to a school where we helped fix local kids bikes and played with them. We also made juggling balls with them, which was very fun to learn how to juggle altogether. This was our last service so it was bittersweet, however overall we can really see the benefits of our efforts on the local area and communities.
Tonight for dinner we had fish and chips. During our mentor groups, we had to make presentations on the effects of pineapple farming within Costa Rica. Some presentations included dancing and music, whereas others were rap and acting. We learnt a lot from this about how a single fruit like the pineapple can have such a devastating impact.
Student leaders of the day,
Miles, Dylan, Teddy
Written by: Cole, James, and Owen
Hola family and friends!
Today was a very bright day with no clouds in the sky we got to sleep in for an hour and eat breakfast at 9:00 am. We had scrambled eggs with beans and rice for breakfast. Later in the morning it was blazing hot but we still persevered and did yoga in the yoga room with Kevin.
For lunch today we had chifrijo. After our delicious lunch we went to surf at Playa Avellanas. The waves were great as it rained the day before. We had a great time surfing for the last time on this trip. It was a bittersweet goodbye. When we finished surfing we got food and drinks at Lola’s restaurant.
During the evening, we gathered for a delicious meal featuring chicken burgers. The savory aroma filled the air as we assembled around the table, chatting and laughing together. After finishing our meal, we headed over to our mentor group session.
It was a productive meeting where we shared our thoughts and experiences, discussed our goals, and supported one another in achieving them. The combination of good food and meaningful conversation made for an enjoyable and fulfilling night.
Hola family and friends!
Today our well laid plan was to eat breakfast and then take off for our new hotel. Unfortunately, several members of our group came down with a stomach bug so the entire group showed their flexibility and patience all day as the team worked to get everyone feeling better.
In the morning, most students hung out by the pool and played games at our beautiful home base, Peace Retreat, while the others visited a local clinic. By the afternoon, the group was well enough to get on the buses and head to Cañon de la Vieja, where we will be having our adventure activities.
After a delicious buffet dinner at the hotel, the group had time to hang out by the pool. And fortunately, by the end of the night every member of our group was on the mend.
We are excited for rest, tubing, and ziplining tomorrow!
GLA Mentor Caitlin
Please forgive us for the lack of photos! It was a chaotic day for all, but photos of adventure day to come 🙂
For the last time – hola family and friends from Costa Rica!
This morning we had breakfast and headed off to zip line through the trees and over the river of Rincón de la Vieja. After the canopy tour, we grabbed inner tubes and glided down the river. Everyone had a blast in the rapids even if they flipped over a time or two.
After our adventure activities, we had lunch and headed to a local souvenir store for shopping and ice cream. Later, students relaxed in the hot springs before getting dressed up for our final group dinner.
To wrap up the night and this amazing trip, we had a closing circle where everyone shared their first impressions of the trip and how they changed over time.
Tomorrow will be bittersweet as everyone says goodbye to their new friends and heads home to their families.
Pura Vida,
GLA Mentor Caitlin