Time Capsule Letter
Hey Loves,
We hope you are all happily settling in to your new/old lives at home! We miss you and wanted to send you an update from Las Canas. We completed the bottle houses and Alejandro’s family has moved in. Slow but sure, we finished up the walls and taught newcomer students to tackle problems. The base you set for us truly helped us in continuing this work.
We often reminisce on your maturity and kindness. You all surprised us with the way you tackled new and uncomfortable situations. Your thoughtful queries during discussions and work days show us the power you have to analyze your situation and respond in an appropriate and impactful way. Whether we were figuring out work strategies or enjoying a piña colada at the beach you all managed to convey true personality and caring.
Our little family turned out to be amazing. Remember the night we sang songs and danced bachata? Or all the laughs we had with Junior and Loubens? We hope you can remember the moments you felt happy, uncomfortable, inspired, and determined. We hope you carry those memories with you and use them to empower you to stay globally engaged.
Reach out if you need anything!
With love,
Leslie, Marie, and Junior
P.S. We miss you guys!!
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Saturday March 23, 2019
We are in the Dominican Republic! We are excited to start new projects, meet new friends, and take in some sun. Stay tuned for updates!
Sunday March 24, 2019
Today my fantastic community group and I spent a majority of the day mixing and passing cement. The cement was used to lay out a floor for two rooms and a hallway. The woman whos house we worked on said that due to material restrictions, she had been working on that same house for 8 years. I loved meeting some of the locals, and practicing our Spanish with them.
Monday March 25, 2019
Today we went on a 7 mile hike on the Montaña de Brisón. We met many locals and learned about daily life in this community. First we stopped at Juanita’s house to rest and buy bracelets, candy and drink water. We also got to taste the native cacao plant.
At the top of the mountain, we had lunch at Doña Máxima’s house. She prepared chicken, rice, plantains, beans, and an eggplant dish, as well as fruit. After lunch, we were treated to popsicles and enjoyed the beautiful views. When we got back we enjoyed free time by the pool with the other group Global Health. We then had dinner and watched a film on climate change.

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Wednesday March 27, 2019
got out first “bola” (free ride) by the GHI track and when we got to
the house, we started working right away. We dug a really large septic
hole for the toilet, met the daughter of the house Diana, started
filling the house with plastic bottles, and had a great time! When we
got back, we had a delicious dinner after free time by the pool and
learned about the difficulties between the Haitians and DR through the
stories of Junior and Loubens.Love, Kerry and Maddie:)

Today we went to continue building the bottle house. Some of us cemented the walls and some of us put bottles in the walls. We did two sessions -one before lunch and one after lunch. We almost completed one full room. Today it rained so our free time consisted of hot chocolate. For dinner, we had TACOS! -which was the best dinner yet. We ended the day hearing all about the leaders stories and watching a TED Talk that inspired all of us to be Global Citizens. Currently, lots of her branding, journaling, and car games going on. It was a day for the books!