Time Capsule Letter
Hola hola!
Time goes so fast! We cannot quite believe it has been so long since our amazing week in the Dominican Republic ended. We wanted to say hello, and remind you of your lasting impact here in our communities.
We have fond memories of waking up to the smells of pancakes and the loud squawks of the neighbouring goats and guinea fowls. Of heading on our way to work sites and hospital visits to the sounds of merengue and bachata, passing past the palm trees in the glorious sunshine. Of sat around braiding each others hair and swapping childhood stories. And the adventure days, the beautiful waters, delicious fresh virgin pina coladas and white sandy beaches (even the rain showers!)
We know that you guys are probably back with school, but we wanted you to know that we will forever remember the laughs and good times that we shared. I hope that you know your time spent in the Dominican Republic did truly make a positive impact in Cano Dulce, La Union and Las Canas.
You will forever be a part of the work done at Cano Dulce, you guys finished the hard work in building a bathroom and septic tank for Gabriel and his family. Having access to a bathroom is so integral to overall health, access to sanitation and dignity. The local children will always remember you as the wonderful GLA group who distributed vitamins in their school. And you all go down in history as one of the most successful medical brigades the Haitian community La Union! Well done guys! Thank YOU for all your effort and hard work.
We hope that you take the skills and knowledge from this trip into all aspects of your life, and that you remain to be globally engaged, hardworking and motivated to make a difference to the wellbeing of people all over the world. We loved hearing about all of your stories, hopes and dreams, and really do hope to see you here again one day.
Not to mention the hard work you guys did, we also had so much fun! You guys made the group as special as it was by being so close knit and inclusive.
You were a superstars throughout the entire program, your comments and questions during reflection time were impressive. Keep expressing yourself and those bright thought you have.
As a team, you worked so well together in the community and demonstrated what cooperation means.
GHT – you were amazing!
Please stay connected!
Hilary and the whole rest of the team!
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Sunday March 24, 2019
Hey parents!
Our first full day in the Dominican Republic! Many of our team members arrived lat last night, so we started the day with some ice breakers and a solid orientation to get ourselves up to speed on the busy week ahead.
Today everyone in the global health initiative program headed to a local community to help build a bathroom for a father named Gabriel and his family. We helped paint the side of the bathroom which the previous group started, make cement manually to finish the walls and the floor, and we dug a hole for the septic tank. When we came back to the lodge, we went swimming and walked on the beach.
After dinner we watched a presentation on human security and how it affects the Dominican Republic. We then reflected on what it means to have community, economic, environmental, personal, political, food and health security in our own home countries.
it was an amazing first full day! great food and great company so far. We miss you though!
Leaders of the day,
Ella and Brianna
Monday March 25, 2019

Tuesday March 26, 2019
After two days of hard work, we all took a break to visit the Dudu Lagoon and la Playa Preciosa! We started off the day with a delicious breakfast of fresh fruit, fried eggs, bread, cereal, and granola. Then we all headed out to Dudu Lagoon! When we got there we spent some time jumping into the water, swimming, and taking advantage of the gorgeous background. We had lunch at the Lagoon before going to la Playa Preciosa.
We returned to homebase for a little free time before a wonderful dinner of fruit, chicken, sweet potatoes, french fries, and broccoli. For our end of the day activity we played out a debate about whther or not to build a recreational center on the Haitian side of a small town with both Haitian and Dominican people. The debate was partiularly interesting because we were forced to consider more sides of the issue. Overall we had a fantastic day and we are all excited for the medical brigade tomorrow!
Best wishes,

Wednesday March 27, 2019

Thursday March 28, 2019

Hello friends and families,
Today we headed to Sosua for snorkeling on a very wavy sea! It was an amazing adventure. For lunch we switched it up a bit and got pizza ordered to the beach. After lunch we went shopping and bought souvenirs and then relaxed under the sun until it was time to leave. On the way back to the lode we stopped off at a supermarket to get ice cream and snacks for our last night! After dinner we learned how to dance bachata and then started packing for our trip home.
This entire trip was incredible and life changing, we got to meet some of the nicest caring people ever. We would like to thank our amazing leaders Hilary and Loubens for giving us the best experience possible.
Adios DR!
Venessa and Nathalie