When I say “Costa” you say “Rica!” Costa, Rica! Costa Rica!
Hola amigos! We can’t believe it has been so long since we were all gathered together in Rancho Quemado. Hope you all dried out after that crazy last walk to our home-base at Laguna del Valle in the pouring rain! Although it’s been a while since we have actually been in Osa Peninsula, our impact remains with the community.
The work we did making the wall in front of the library, painting the library and the plaza fence, and working on the land uprooting and replanting made such a difference to the community. Just imagine the smiling faces of the children, Yolanda, Jessica, and more friends using the colorful library and enjoying of all the work we did!
Not only did our service work leave the community in wonderful shape, also our time-shared doing things with the local people left a strong impact. Remember learning from Johnny at the Trapiche and tasting all the different types of sugar cane? Also, horse-back riding with Sandro and learning from Vistor about the incredible biodiversity in Rancho Quemado was an amazing experience. Spending time learning lessons from Abuelos was incredible and learning how to make delicious homemade tortillas—how rico! Those experiences were not only special for us but helped the whole town of Rancho Quemado prepare for eco-tourism. Has anyone tried to make heart of palm at home?! How about mining for gold?? 😉
Something else to reflect on is all the incredible nature we experienced there. It was amazing when we saw that big school of fish while snorkeling, and all the plants and trees we saw while zip-lining through the jungle. Not to mention our time at Dante lodge and Corcovado, how amazing to be surrounded by nature like that! We hope you are still continuing to find the nature at home, and to appreciate the environment around you.
Special Moments We Shared:
-Talking with Robert in the Sensory Garden
-Swimming and playing chicken in Playa Blanca
-Soccer and basketball with the community
-Opening coconuts on Islay de Caño
-Eating pizza on the last night in Alajeula
-Cooking class and making delicious juice
-Seeing monkeys in the trees
-Not stepping on snakes during our walk to Abuelos
-Two minutes of silence on the Plataforma before our night hike
We shared so many laughs during our time together—our group was so lucky to have such a close bond. We miss you all and know that our time in Rancho Quemado will always be in our hearts!
Pura Vida, everyone, hope all is well!
Laaauuuuren, Hannacita, and DiNamita
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