Hola Spring Breakers!
Our full group of session one students arrived by late afternoon on day one, so everyone got to meet and chit chat by the pool at home base, and then we got to sit down for our first official meal together as a group. It was great to see everyone opening up and getting to know each other, and we were also able set some group goals for the session.
Straight away on day two, our group got going on their bottle house projects within the local community. By working hands-on with the materials, our group was able to gain a better understanding of just how the bottles act as insulation for the structures. We were so proud of you guys and how quickly you learned the building process on the first day!
We were lucky to have the chance to meet the family who would be living in our bottle house after we had finished. The father, Mandarin, was a crab catcher by trade. His three children were there too and they jumped right in alongside our students asking if they could help. They were so sweet, and we could all see on their faces how excited they were to see their new home being built right before their eyes.
By building the bottle house, you guys were able to learn more about the culture and life in the Dominican Republic. Later, the staff led a lecture on the 7 elements of Human Security — Food, Personal, Economic, Political, Health, Environmental, and Community.
By the end of the second day of our work, you guys had already bottled half of the house! Back at home base, students took some time to relax after their full day of work. Some of the group walked down to the beach, while others stayed back to hang out by the pool, talk, and listen to music.
Yay adventure time! We visited Dudu Lagoon, where students got to zipline into the water, explore caves, and play volleyball before heading to Playa Preciosa. It was awesome to see you adrenaline junkies go straight for the zipline without any hesitation!
We hope you all had a wonderful experience on your spring break program (minus the mosquitos!). We’re all very proud of all the hard work you put in to help the local community, including Mandarin and his family, and we’re honored that you chose to spend your spring break with us here in the DR!
We hope to see all of you again some day!
-Your DR Spring Break Staff
Feeling nostalgic? You can experience that same sense of friendship and adventure abroad again! Check out all our brand new Dominican Republic program, designed with alumni in-mind, or enroll now.