Hey friends,
I hope you had a good flight and that you didn’t get too dehydrated from all the airport tears. I’m sitting in Jo-burg, having a much needed coffee with Ash, and thinking about how I wish you were all here with me to laugh at my jokes. I imagine you’ve all unpacked, and gotten sand all over your room or somehow gotten a splinter from a lingering thorn caught in your sock. I’m sorry I’m not there to help you get it out.
This here is a time capsule letter to share our appreciation for you and to casually mock you from afar. First off, thank you for not injuring yourself/getting sick and having to go to the hospital. Secondly, thank you for helping us offset the amount of weight we would have gained in muffins by making us laugh on a regular basis. You all are ridiculous, but I loved it.
I loved the unique perspectives, personalities and life experiences you all brought to the program.
I loved that you were so fearless and gung-ho in treading through the water despite the risk of stepping on a razor clam.
I loved the relentless energy, undying enthusiasm and lust for adventure.
I loved the request for more whole group bonding and how you all took initiative to help out with pleasure.
I loved all the songs around the campfire and the stories you shared.
I loved the questions you raised and critical thinking displayed around the topics you cared.
I loved watching the evolution of your thought processes on tough, debatable, “spicy” global issues.
I loved the genuine conversations, hugs, and letters of goodbyes and miss yous.
I loved that when given the chance, you’d eat meals and do activities all as one.
I loved just watching you all have fun.
I hope that this experience, the beautiful places we went to, the connections you made with each other and the silly games we played has opened up the world of possibilities that you can do moving forward. Perhaps, it may seem overwhelming at times (a lot of the time,) with the pressures of school, work, family, growing up, and all the other joys of being an emerging adult, but my advice to you is to just breathe and reflect. You all have so much to be proud of, are incredibly strong in different ways and wouldn’t have gone on this trip if you weren’t a genuinely caring/rad person. If all else fails, make yourself a cup of tea, listen to your song and remind yourself that “you are the best of us.”
Thank you for all your hard work in the bush, the wisdom you shared with us and not dying. Here are some high lights:
– The discovery of the gender in which Donovan identifies as (boy or unicorn.)
– Mike annihilating Adrian in Birdie on a Perch.
– Sydney’s blindfolded breakdancing in Eyes, Body, Mouth.
– Jordyn sharing that she broke her collar bone coming out of the womb by being a chubby baby during the icebreaker activity.
– Every time anyone said yee-haw around Miles.
– Erik demonstrating his dedication to the scavenger hunt by delivering “3 pieces of shi…” by hand.
– Marcy’s indistinguishable shrieks of terror or joy every time she ran.
– The discovery of Laura’s talent in being able to doodle up a real-life replica of any animal
– Lexi’s souvenir collection (large hat, maraca, wooden spoon, beaded neck piece, woven mat, mug, bracelet…and so much more.)
– Alexa’s impression of Bush Brian (“Did you know that giraffes have 6 necks, but 4 are invisible?”)
– Maria’s impression of Wetsuit Willie (“What? You don’t have a bamboo toothbrush?”)
– Ali bridging the gap in magnetic feet (I wasn’t there, but Mike’s demonstration was highly amusing.)
– Paige taking it upon herself to supply dinner by fearlessly spearing the first fish.
Peace and Chow,
Jaime and the rest of Team Safari
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