Hello students!
Sweat. Elephants. Fried chicken. And more fried chicken.
Seems just like yesterday that we were throwing back ice cold Thai teas on the scorching hot school days. Risking hand cramps from autographing and running in endless circles, the students at Ban Mae Chan surely kept you guys busy. The fun at EVT began with nugget pickup; favorites included nugget toss, assembly line, stacking and juggling. Elephant conservation isn’t all fun and games, as we learned with grass harvest/planting. We can’t wait to see your labors come to life as future elephant snacks begin to grow.
Over those two memorable weeks, we saw immense growth within all of you. Through both your struggles and successes, you grew and stretched beyond your perceived limitations. We were sad to see you go, but we’re proud to send you off with those new memories and skills that will last a lifetime.
“stay together
learn the flowers
pack light”
Gary Snyder
Best wishes,
Brendan, Mattie, Suzannah, Flat Ears, KFC, and Peanut
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