Greetings to our Great Eight!
Oh my gosh, can you believe it has been so many months since our Thailand adventures?! While the staff is either back in America (Denver for Diana) or is still in Thailand (Craig moved to Bangkok), we still reminisce about waking up to the sound (and usually smell) of elephants in our back yard, geckos chatting away, and being celebrities at local Thai schools!
We hope you’re all having a great time back in school. Some of you are prepping to go off to college, some are working hard at your sports (Lindsey, hope the guard camp payed off! Spin those flags, girl! Sophie V, hope your horses are doing well!), and some are getting in to the swing of high school. We miss all your funny stories (Emma, keep ’em coming!), your music sharing (thanks again for the playlist, Molly!), and comedic input (looking at you, dynamic vegan duo of Antonia and Caroline).
We also hope that you’ve taken some valuable life lessons and experiences from our time together. Mainly the importance of compassion (by the way, Sophia C, hope the altruistic soap business is going well! Thanks for always having a kind word, Julia!), involvement in adventures, and openness to trying new things.
We hope our paths cross again one day. You truly are all the leaders of tomorrow.
Thanks for making our Thai time together unforgettable!
In the spirit of adventure,
Diana Gonzalez and Craig Marsh
Feeling nostalgic? You can experience that same sense of friendship and adventure abroad again! Check out all our 2019 programs, orĀ enroll now.