Likely many of you have traveled during peak season at some point in your life. Or maybe you always travel during peak season. You’re probably then familiar with the horrible crowds, lines, and maybe even the extreme temperatures that come along with a peak season vacation. That’s not even mentioning the horribly high prices of travel and lodging during those periods as these companies exploit the fact that many people travel during these much-coveted seasons. But you don’t need to be one of them! There are some great times to travel that can still fit in nicely with many school schedules and can give some great benefits over those packed sardine pools in July.
Early June Travelers Unwind Faster
Most people don’t travel immediately after school lets out. They give their kids some time to “unwind” and then plan their family vacation somewhere between late June and early August (i.e. peak summer season). But what better way to unwind then to take that vacation right away! Moreover it can give you something to look forward to as the year comes to a close. That period can be one of the most slogging for students, with finals and everything weighing down hard and their free time dwindling to nothing. Having a vacation right at the end of the tunnel can provide that extra boost of motivation needed to push through those rough times and maybe even perform better.
On the vacation itself, the benefits only continue to add up. Reduced crowds and cost of travel and lodging are of course the biggest, but also most places are in the dead of summer or winter during the two big peak travel seasons. Those extreme temperatures can be quite uncomfortable. Trust me, there’s nothing as simultaneously amazing, sweltering, and packed as Disney World in July. You can dodge all of that if you just decide to jump in a little early.
Leaving Late is Just As Great
Taking your vacation just before school starts again, in early September or the end of August for most, can be just as great of an experience. Going in late August can provide a lot of great memories kept fresh in your mind to discuss with friends at school. The same benefits of missing the worst part of the crowd and getting discounts on travel also apply.
Another benefit of a late vacation is being able to get the time off for both you and your parents. Whether working part time or full time, businesses need help during peak travel season because everyone wants to travel. Delaying your vacation a little to cover everyone else can not only earn you some awesome cred at your job, it can make your own planning easier.
Early or Late, Both Are Great
Hopefully these tips have convinced you to come into your summer holiday a bit earlier or later than the masses. There are a lot of benefits to doing so, both on the vacation and in your life before or after the vacation itself. If you just try it once you’ll never go back to vacationing with the horrible crowds and heat again.
Did you know…?
GLA offers summer programs for teen travelers starting in the beginning of June and going all the way to the end of August. So if you’re looking for a program that fits those travel windows, check out all of our offerings by available dates here.
Contributed by Nick Bartholomew