“I’ve always wanted to write, but I have nothing to write about.”
“At least, not yet…”
Have statements like these swam around in your head before? You’re not alone.
Writing is one of those passions and potential career paths that is exceptionally appealing to some teenagers, but is simultaneously difficult to imagine doing successfully. Age doesn’t necessarily equate to talent, so it isn’t youth on its own that curtails the desire to write. Instead, it’s experience. Or the lack thereof.
What will I write about if I’ve never done anything? I haven’t even left my hometown except for vacations to the beach or to go camping. If good writing is really drawn from deep, meaningful experiences, what can I put to paper at this age that will have an impact?
Teen writing camp experiences are a great way to earn that exposure, to bring a bit of authenticity into your writing that you may not get within the walls of your high school. This may seem counter-intuitive at first – after all, isn’t a camp another controlled experience? And sure, that may be true in some instances, but think about all the benefits a camp brings:
- An environment removed from your home life, so that you’re constantly challenging yourself to new ideas and experiences.
- A safe camp space, so that while you’re exposed to more than you would be at home, you feel comfortable and confident enough to focus on your writing.
- People your age who share your passion for writing, and not just text and tweets either. Real, raw, invigorating fellow writers!
Picture a teen writing camp as a place to start, to jump out of your comfort zone for the first time, something to inspire the words right out of your head.
A high school writing camp can lead to new short stories, a sharper focus on what you want to write about, and a spark that encourages you to continue stepping out of your comfort zone, just as all the great writers have.
If you’re interested in learning more about writing programs for teens, fill out GLA’s survey on potential new writing and photography programs. We may base new programs off of your input!