Wednesday July 12, 2017
Today is the second day of our GLA Spanish Service Adventure 14-day! Everyone arrived safely on Tuesday to San Jose, picked up by GLA staff and driven to our hotel about 15 minutes from the airport. We ate a traditional Costa Rican lunch (rice, beans, meat, salad) near the hotel, played some get-to-know-you games, had some time to relax from the long flights, and went to a delicious buffet dinner before heading to bed.
This morning, we did a quick city tour of San Jose with our local director, passing by the main landmarks and learning a little about the history of Costa Rica. We then headed down to Santa Maria, the main town near our home base, and went on a coffee tour. Our guide walked us through the whole process of making coffee:picking the beans, weighing them, processing them in machines, and tasting the finished product. The Los Santos region (which includes the town of Santa Maria) makes up around 40% of all coffee distributed from Costa Rica, as well as being considered very high quality. After the tour we got to our beautiful home base (Cedrela Ecolodge) tucked in the trees. We ate lunch, had orientation with our local and GLA staff, and then unpacked our bags and got settled in before dinner and a fun group activity.
The group is very dynamic and adjusting really well to the new environment. We’re excited to start our volunteer work and Spanish classes with Green Communities tomorrow!.
July 15, 2017

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