Dare to Live in Color
After checking customs we were finally in Peru. Everyone arrived safely and soundly. We were welcomed with scrambled eggs and Peruvian delicacies. We jelly fished in the local plaza and got to know each others names. We visited the local food market and were able to stock on snacks. Ending the day tired and exhausted, we were excited for the new experiences to come.
– Erin Dempsey & Katherine Cabral
Greetings from Peru!
August 4th was the beginning of service in the Sacred Valley community, where we began the work on our greenhouse project. We started the day at 6:00 am and promptly were out the doors by 7:00. When we got the site, roles were distributed, and we were introduced to the different tools and techniques that we will be using for the entirety of the project. Tasks included digging and sifting dirt to hold together infrastructure, stripping bark from the support beams and digging two feet (60 cm for you Canadians) in which we will place the beams in, tomorrow. Fun stuff !!!!! We are definitely noticing the effect of the altitude, but luckily none of us have been placed in the hospital (yet). Then in the afternoon, we had a motivation and inspiring pep talk with our mentor groups where we set up our expectations for the rest of the trip and for the mentors. An Economist then came in for a social reality talk, where we were educated about the Cusqueñan culture and social issues of Cusco. As leaders of the day, we interviewed him about his occupation and shared it with the rest of our group. To conclude, it was an eventful day full of learning experiences, and even though it has only been two days, we feel as if we have grown a lot together as a group. We are looking forward to the rest of our time in Cusco and we miss you all dearly…
Leaders of the Day
Beatrice, Vivian, and Victoria
Our 3rd day started off at the early hour of 6 again. At the service site, some of us continued sifting dirt and finishing up the holes,as well as turning over the ground at the greenhouse. After that, we cut the logs and painted them with oil base, so the trunk is waterproof. The first beam to the greenhouse was set up. We also worked on installing the pipeline for the greenhouse, and we covered it with dirt. After service we visited a textile workshop, where we were able to learn about the Peruvian weaving traditions. After everyone was comfy in their new alpaca sweatshirts, the leaders of the day interviewed Carolina, the owner of the textile workshop. Carolina taught us about the importance of continuing the weaving traditions. She wants others to remember Peruvians by how kind they are. After dinner we got to learn more about each other when we did a speed dating activity. We asked each other random questions, and shared our answers. Our 3rd day in Cusco was extremely interesting! We are really excited for the experiences to come.
Hasta Luego,
Leaders of the day
Rogelio, Andrew, and Katherine
P.S. Some people found “The One” 😉
Salutations from General Ibrahim, Sargent Jenna, and Captain Ethan. Today we alerted the troops at 0600 for a very productive day of battle. Although we were locked out of the battlefield (work site) at first, we soon were able to get to work. We began with our routine stretches and a morning chant. Our work today consisted of moving six holes 20 cm to the left, moving tons of bricks, laying support beams, and making mud. The troops left the battlefield at 1230 covered in mud, sweat, and tears.
At around 1300 we arrived at home base, there we encountered a lovely meal of steak, potatoes and rice… It was the bomb. We got acquainted with the new recruits Jose and Laney, our platoon is finally complete.
We ended the evening with a nice game of charades and family bonding <3.
General Ibrahim, Sargent Jenna, and Captain Ethan checking out for the night,
Hasta Mañana!
On today’s episode of “How to Service in 21 Days”, we bring to you danger and excitement in the bricks of our labor. In one corner we have the Rooftop Chiselers and in the other, there’s the We Never Do the Same Thing team. In other words, WE HAVE VARIETY. We were also very productive. But that’s not important, right? Turns out the only reason anybody survived this day was due to the promise of Wi-Fi which seemed to only reward one group of the three from anecdotes received from anonymous sources. A shopping trip managed to placate the savages but unfortunately time was short. Several things were bought and several former purchases were lamented. Sour pickles for everyone. Alpaca’s are soft. We need more sleep. Or Wi-Fi. I think the second one would produce more civilized humans. To finish off the night, a chicken and rice and yuca dinner was consumed. Some people weren’t hungry and did not eat much. I think it was the exercise. No one should exercise when there is a shortage of Wi-Fi. Some things were forgotten and… My train of thought has also vanished into thin air. Right. TED talks. The cast was subjected to a very educational TED Talk on stories and how basing opinions on one singular story will take away a full experience. There is currently a cutlery percussion-off in the dining area and I think they should just stabby stabby each other. This paragraph is actually the opinion of one singular person so please don’t sue. Or call the cops. Peru is very nice, although dry and dusty. Many lips are chapped and Erin’s aloe is going to run out before the trip is over. It is very nice that everyone is close to each other and I feel that no one is going to get pushed off Machu Pichu anytime soon. Although everyone is going to fight on the 25th. Because this post cannot exceed mentor expectations, this is Linshan, Jackie and Gigi signing off.
A fun filled day of service in the quite village of Patabamba, the home of our driver-aka Julio’s crib. We split into our mentor groups and completed chores for families in the village. This included shucking corn, peeling potatoes, gathering firewood, snapping peas, removing the kernel from the cob, and watching animals. We were served a snack of potatoes, cheese and salt, and for lunch received a local specialty of quinoa soup. After the morning chores were finished, we headed to a soccer field surrounded by mountains and pigs. And dogs. Just animals. A couple games of soccer were played with the local village children and Inca Kola was shared. The hour long bus ride back was filled with the beautiful mountains and music from our respective DJ’s (SHOUT OUT TO ANDREW AND BEATRICE). Our first laundry load was sent in tonight and was followed by an informational National Geographic documentary about Machu Picchu and the mysteries of the Incan people (sorry to Miguel for half of everyone falling asleep).
#BEATRICEYour proud #LODs of the day
Today the alpaca descended. We are today’s alpaca wranglers. Unfortunately the suffering hasn’t ended. The mud must be churned and several that have slight fears of heights were put to the test on THE WALLS. Waging war by mud balls is not convenient. The alpacas were not obedient and could not be threatened by taking away the break. Our schedules have synced up with the children’s and we can now play soccer and interact with them. They seem to like these foreign alpacas. Several Alpacas cannot understand Spanish and therefore gifts are appreciated but we cannot express gratitude without understanding why. At least I can’t. Shoelaces are great. Lunch consisted of bones and meat and things. There is a vegetarian within our midst. No one remembers lunch. Hot showers were appreciated today, only by the few that swallowed their plates and left before anyone went to wash their fur. There are more people here now. We have successfully scared them with an awkward toast. They will not look at us as they descend the stairs. How unfortunate. I believe we have beautiful faces. At the ever-changing 3:00-3:30 activity, we had the pleasure of testing out music in the rain. Although very informative, hooves are not used to hold flutes and such. Recorders are so basic. Conch horns and double headed snake horns and human skin drums are all the rage. We have learned to song but song is hard. Pan-flutes aren’t easy to play. To be cold or not to be cold, that is always the question. The last of the baggages have arrived a week in and compensation is needed for the suffering that has spread throughout the herd. I vote 50000 dollahs in cold hard cash. That way it will not look legit no matter what. There always has to be suspense in the camp. The spirits wandering around are giving us some trouble but there are also those who wish to cause discord from within so everything must be taken with a grain of salt. Although there were several complaints, no one resisted when we finally headed to the mystical arcade which was totally built into a garage. The dancing games were disastrous and the second-hand embarrassment was overwritten by the sensation of satisfaction that you obtain when seeing a teenager trip over themselves over and over and over again all the while the locals watch silently without any judgment but instead confusion. The journey back was far more lighthearted as money was lost down the drain and a claw machine clearly made by asian people sucked coin after coin into the bottomless pit of plushies. Those who were actually good at the games were rare but there were circumstances where-in a game was beaten. My respect of peruvians has risen due to their endless talent in dancing arcade games. Currently we are back and there are several people crowded around a board giving everyone Star Wars identities. I approve of all the doodling but I foresee that the board will be illegible as usual. The heart rates are decreasing as the machine beeps even slower. Demons in hard masks creep upon the innocent workers of the site. I hope we finish. Timmy the ghost will totes possess us if we don’t. Sleep is imminent however conversation is still lively. If we were meeting alpacas as weird as we are, we wouldn’t look at us too. I don’t blame the new 14 day group. We were promised pizza. I am pretty sure that the pizza sucks here. The jungle creeps closer with each day that passes and we all await cool pants. GAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA I have no mental problems as of now. This is today’s alpaca wranglers Linshan, Jenna, Rogelio, returning to semi-eternal slumber. For when we are called on again to prevent an alpacalypse, we will awaken once more.
-The person in the mask
After service, we headed back to home base to eat lunch, and promptly left for the promise land of wifi (it was all a lie). Milkshakes and ice cream covered pancakes were instead given out instead of the wifi (all our milkshakes bring the boys to the yard) and all was well throughout the land. After “wifi” we were freed from our chains of oppression, and set loose throughout the market place. On our quest for sunglasses and gloves, it began to rain. This is dry season. Gosh darn! After our failed attempts to buy what we needed we headed to the grocery store. Upon arrival we met a new friend, Tim Allen Beethoven (a dirty street dog). We did not contract rabies. Inside we bought munchies for days! In preparation for the long hike to Machu Picchu!!!1111ONEONEONEONE. We headed back to feast like gods. Afterwards we started to pack our bags. We still need to pack our bags….. We have an hour left to pack our bags. We will stop typing now and go do that. Have a safe time in your warm homes. I know we won’t…….(insert sad face).
Not edited by:
-Josb Del Fake
-Canada x 2
Its been four days since we first left home base for our long-awaited hike to MaPi. It was really pretty, tiring, and life-changing. Now we are back and there is pizza and a movie waiting for us so if you don’t mind we will excuse ourselves and explain everything upon our return.
– Jarlene, Vivian, Beatrice
Today is a day of no themes, as our schedules have completely fallen apart in the few days we were away. Recovery is fairly rapid as our spirits are lifted with the promise of a cake that we did not get cause the greenhouse is incomplete and the plastic is a nightmare for those who have OCD. I promise I do not. Dirt is still the main dish of the day as nothing in terms of plantable dirt was made. Much was done in terms of cave exploration however and a music video was made as we were set to crawl through tunnels while the dust fell on freshly washed hair. Several of the deeper tunnels were sealed off. What a disappointment. I wish to get lost and eventually become one with the earth. It is however, only a personal desire of mine, the rest wish only to explore and take the very best selfies. How to Aleve your existence from the earth 101 in an area that sounds like a workout video title. Zona-X. We have kept our streak of health as no one has been severely injured or maimed or kidnapped. We are fine. Reassurances are needed for the readers of our humble blog, correct? We have not been made to tell our life stories just yet and I still await the moment to reveal that I am a unicorn from a different dimension. My fellow leaders of the day lead normal lives though. We have also semi-determined our leader personalities in the form of Warrior, Teacher, Healer and Visionary. Simply by reading these titles it is fairly easy to infer that I am very comfortably an unreliable Visionary. The other two are both Teachers/warriors/everything else. We all get along fairly well though. There is no sign of altitude sickness but there seems to be a lethargy in the air as our days are numbered. We are required to teach children and pass on wisdom. All I wish to pass on is how to run around and scream like a chicken but all to their own.
There are currently suspicions about who blabbed about our lifeline, the wifi, but everyone will still be phoneless. I simply wish to read my books but we are not the most subtle group. I’d rather shop, even though I detest it with all the fibers of my being when it comes to shopping back home. Something about the prices appeal to me here.
There is now Tabasco on the table and it is ambrosia to the souls that find the food flavorless. The deep-fried cauliflower was much like the deep-fried green beans. A very effective way of making us eat healthy. Clothing is however looser on our bodies. The strict schedule keeps us couch potatoes from collecting a fat supply for the ‘winter’ we are currently experiencing. I have once again exceeded the limit for a reasonable journal entry.
This is today’s leaders of the day, Linshan, Erin and Logan signing off.
Then we ate enchiladas – which was amaze-balls. Tonight Beatrice and Lainey will make their SPECIAL brownies. While Jacqueline and Ibrahim conducts the group in an amazing sing-along of Camp Rock symphonies. ?
P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA CARA (We send our love from Peru) ?
P.S.S. Jacqueline, Ibrahim, Beatrice signs over and out
P.S.S.S. Peace out home skillets✌
What did the orange say to the other orange. Tickle my naval. If you don’t think thats funny you’re right. We woke up at 8:00 today it was stupendous. Today the kitchen had made us the best breakfast, eggs just eggs again scrambled quite amazing. After breakfast we departed on a 3 hour journey to go rafting. Upon arrival we geared up and set voyage on the rapids. We were separated into 3 different rafts and had a small training session on the different types of positions we need to take for our safety. However this was disregarded by the tour guide who decided to throw everyone in his boat in to the water. Rapids were amaze, no worries, everyone survived. We had a great lunch and a hell of a bus ride back because it was 3 hours. Movie night and sleepover tonight. also, Cake. That is all.
Lindsay Logan