Rebuilding Our Ecosystems: The 5 Positives of Environmental Restoration
With the world’s population growing and energy demands surging, the natural world is ailing and, in certain cases, is at risk of being lost entirely. Scientists have established that our current environmental and economic policies are no longer sustainable for a healthy global society, and restoration efforts are under way to help prevent any further ecological damage. Rebuilding ecosystems not only have a positive effect on the environment and climate, but an economic impact as well. Workshops, activities and ecological volunteer programs are all playing a role in spreading awareness and getting people involved. Here we’ll discuss five key reasons restoring the world’s ecosystems is so crucial to environmental sustainability.
The 5 effects of rebuilding global ecologies
Being able to set new environmental standards is a crucial step in ensuring sustainability. Yet before devising such plans, knowing exactly what’s possible can illustrate how important our ecosystems are:
Environmental health: Current sustainability efforts are not just a way to help specific ecosystems that are disappearing, but for the health of the planet as a whole. Clean air and water are necessary for everyone and provide a foundation for longevity for all life on the planet.
Biodiversity: A central part of restoration efforts is maintaining ongoing biodiversity, conserving native plants and animals and reducing the chance of extinction.
Economic impact: Agriculture, manufacturing and science are just a few of the industries that rely on a healthy environment, and an environmentally friendly approach to economics is a win-win situation. Keeping one’s environmental impact as low as possible helps sustainability, but it also means lower energy costs, greater resource efficiency and a boost to the economy.
Combatting climate change: Weather patterns continue to turn more severe, but helping rebuild ecosystems can help in reducing climate change and counteracting greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating violent weather swings.
Social impact: In addition to sustaining the lives of endangered plants and animals, we shouldn’t forget one other group: us. Here we must take into account the larger social benefits on humans since ecology preservation helps maintain a healthy quality of life for local communities and societies around the world.
How to get involved
With environmental efforts spreading, being able to see the connection between our daily lives and natural ecosystems is important for more people to understand. This is an effort that everyone can get involved in and that can have greater benefits the more people get involved. Those willing to participate can make a difference in something that will provide a long-lasting benefit on environmental and economic levels. Many are working throughout the country to rebuild America’s ecosystems, but others are also working outside the U.S. to help underdeveloped communities become more sustainable. Volunteer abroad programs for high school students are an excellent way to make a difference, serve as a foundation for developing leadership skills and act as a means for finding a career path.
The scope of today’s environmental efforts goes far beyond just protecting or restoring unique ecosystems around the world. Volunteers from around the country are all working to make a difference so that both the ecology and the economy prosper and grow. It’s about boosting the health and quality of life for people in countries everywhere and for generations to come.
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