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Friday July 13, 2018
Hey guys!
Welcome to our blog, it’s Julia and Lillian here to update you on Day 1! Today we learned how to mix cement. It was used to make floors! Floors are awesome-sauce cause they prevent disease. Talked to Jeremy he was pretty cool, played some b-ball outside the old school!
Got back to the lodge to get out the suns Dodge. Went to the pool, water was cool. Ate some dinner, it was a winner. Now we will go to bed so we Can rest our heads. Goodnight we will tuck our bed nets tight so the mosquito bugs don’t bite.
Sunday July 15, 2018
Day 3 has rolled around the corner with a similar theme: cement! Me, Joseph, and my fellow LOD (Leader of the Day), Aiden, led the troops today. We split up into several groups helping paint and build structure in Caño Dulce. The corner got us pretty dirty.
Back at home base we learned a lot about human security in the DR. Many of these privileges we take for granted arent available to the people of the communities. It allows us to get another point of view and check our privelege.
I can slowly start to feel we are coming together as a group. I’ve made some amazing friends, from all over North America. We miss you!!
Monday July 16, 2018
I have to say, for a Monday, today was pretty amazing. We ate breakfast then started our adventure to NY Chiquito community. We helped finish a community center by installing insulation with recycled plástico bottles. What a great day! Later, we ventured to a lovely beach and drank fresh piña coladas (virgin don’t worry!). We then learned about poverty on a global scale. What a day!
Tuesday July 17, 2018
WoW! What a fun excursion day we had in GHI-B!
First of all, the wonderful LOD’s predicted that we would have pancakes for breakfast. Those predictions were true (and delicioso!).
Then, we swam in the crystal clear blue waters of the Dudu Lagun, or as Mick calls it, the poop lagoon. (There no poo don’t worry!). Despite a little rain, we had a wonderful time playing volleyball and napping in hammocks. Luckily, everyone landed safely jumping from the zipline going across the lagoon. Overall it was a relaxing and refreshing break from all the hard work. And to finish off the day we channeled our dinner tourist in the local shops of la playa.
*Nora and Lauren says Hi!*
Thursday July 19, 2018
Hi parents and family (and dogs!)! Today we got to sleep in! We started off the day going to the local clínic and learning about the different levels of hospitals/medical centers. We then came back to the lodge and had a pool day. In the afternoon we practiced taking Blood pressure and heartrate for our brigade tomorrow. We finished off the night by dancing before getting a good nights rest for our early morning tomorrow. Today marks halfway. We cant wait to see what else is in store!
From Natalie and Alexandra
Sunday July 22, 2018
Hello family!
The last three days have been such a blast! On Friday we went to a Haitian batey community for our medical brigade. We worked with 3 local doctors to see over 80 patients! It was a very long, but rewarding day. We got to help do vitals, work with interrpreters for medical history, shadowing doctors in consult, and help Javier in pharmacy! After the brigade we got to stop in a supermarket that had Air conditiong!!!
On Saturday we went to Laguna Gri Gri and Playa Caleton. We took a boat ride through mangroves and the ocean and then spent the day enjoying the beach. Several people got their haird braided.
Yesterday we had our final day finishing up the bathroom in caño dulce! We are excited for our last two service days and our final day at yassica River!
Hello everyone!
It is our last night here and we are all so sad to leave!! We are already planning trips to see Each other soon.
Yesterday we had our vitamin distribution day in the community called Nueva Yol Chiquito about 45 minutes away from home base. We saw 55 patients that were mostly kids, but also 3 pregnant women. 67% were normal weight, 26% underweight, and 7% overweight. It was a great day and we loved seeing all the little kids and babies!
Today we went to río yassica. We started seeing some lizards and turtles at a tiny zoo, then took a boat ride to the mouth of the river that met the ocean. We spent the day swimming at the river before taking the boat ride back. And stopping for ice cream!
We are sad to leave our Friends tomorrow, but excited to see our families and take a hot showers!