Busted…we’re biased. We think Global Leadership Adventures is the single greatest way a high school student can spend their summer break. But you know who else thinks so? The students who’ve participated in our programs.
Join a GLA Country Facebook group now and get a fresh, unbiased perspective. Hundreds of student alumni are sharing their experiences and are waiting to answer your questions.
There’s no better way to get the straight story. Talk directly with participants to find out:
Was the food good? What if I’m vegan?
How many guys are on the programs?
Were you able to fundraise for your tuition?
Which destination is better for learning Spanish – Costa Rica or Guatemala?
How were the counselors?
Several programs have their own GLA Facebook group, and we invite you to crash them all:
Central America & Caribbean: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Dominican Republic
South America: Galapagos Islands, Peru
This simple move could set you up for the summer of your life…happy chatting!
GLA does a great job with social networking and providing information in an unbiased way. From student reviews to one on one talking I always feel I am able to learn about my trip in a unbiased way. The facebook groups are a great way to communicate, ask questions, meet people, and learn more about your country. Online info about GLA is so great as it allows me to gain an objective perspective about what i am going to be seeing and doing this summer.