Ready, Set, Explore
“We are all very excited to experience a new culture in a place we’ve never been before, and we’re also all pretty excited to see some sea lions and penguins! This is the adventure of a lifetime, and I can’t believe we’re actually here!”
Environmental Army
“As a group, woke up at 7am, and went to the worksite. There, we encountered a large field of vegetation, and had to remove it all. Machetes in hand, we cleaned the landscape. Removing thorn-filled raspberry plants, trimming the branches of banana and orange trees was tough. We even brought down an entire tree with just a machete!”
Exploring the Sea
“We went down to the harbor to snorkel and kayak. While snorkeling, we swam with the Galapagos penguins, sea turtles, squids, and sea lions. We also saw the blue-footed boobies and baby sea lions while kayaking. Both of these days included important work that benefited the natural habitats here in the Galapagos. Not only were these activities beneficial to the environment, but they also have had positive effects on all of the GLA participants.”
For the Tortoises
“Today we started our first day of service work at a giant tortoise nursery. Our guides told us about some of the work we will be doing and why it is extremely important to do for the tortoises. We learned that there are many introduced plants that are taking over the area where the tortoises’ food source grows. This work is so important for the native species of St. Isabella to thrive!”
Exploring a Lagoon
“This place is beyond incredible– the wildlife we’ve seen in such a short time here is insane!”
Want to learn more about the Ecuador: Preserving Nature’s Wondersexperience? Check out the program guide and put yourself in the shoes of our volunteers in this amazing South American oasis.
Curious about what you’d have to pack? Rain boots or sunscreen? Jackets or shorts? Read The Young Leader’s take on the ultimate packing list and get ready for your future travels.
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