Our Last Full Day
Yellow parents, friends and other readers who may or may not be creepin’ on this page. Today was our last full day in Thailand. For the past couple of days we’ve avoided talking about saying goodbye but the day has finally come to pack up our things and look back at all the selfies we have taken. In the early morn(Lilah Jean accent) we pilled into the van and headed towards the site where we would be zip lining. We casually breezed through the trees and threw in a twerk here and there. Cindy struggled real hard with the whole experience. After that we had lunch at the site and left to go back home and start packing. As soon as we took a community power nap we started to consider packing. After 30 minutes of staring at all the stuff we had to pack we decided to go play with the kids at joy’s house. We then said our final goodbyes and went to P’ fours restaurant (DEELISH). We surprised Cindy and P’ four with flowers and they we’re so happy. We then came home and did some group activities. Now we actually have to pack sooooo i gots to go! Stay #tru ✌️
We started off the day by going to a water reserve which we could swim in. We were all a bit sad in the morning because we knew that it was P’ Aors last day with us. 🙁
We tried not to focus on the negative as we enjoyed ourselves by relaxing and lounging around in the shade. We swam, tanned, used paddle boats and played Rummikub. We surprised P’ Aor by bringing out a cake that P’ Four helped us get. we enjoyed the delicious Winnie the Pooh cake and had lunch right there by the water. After lunch we were all quite emotional because we said our goodbyes to P’ Aor. We wished her luck for the conference she is attending in Laos and got her facebook so we could add her and keep contact.
As per usual, after lunch we headed to Joy’s Farm for work. Today we hoed the land and planted corn. The seeds were pink which really surprised me lol. When it started to rain we went inside and played more Rummikub (#addicted) and made friendship bracelets with the kids at the farm. After dinner, we enjoyed some more time with the kids before leaving. Tomorrow is our last day at the farm which sucks because we’re all getting so close to the kids and we don’t want to leave. That’s all for today, byeee!
Chiang Mai
Hey it’s Annika here! We started off today by visiting a temple up in the mountains of Chiang Mai . During the drive up the mountain we stopped off at a market and Lilah, Ellie and I got dressed in traditional hill tribe outfits!
A Buffalo Farm!
Yellow! Today we (except for fragile Nina) went back to the school we were volunteering at to say bye to everyone (and Lilah got a picture with ‘Bae’). We then went to a buffalo farm, in which we jumped on a terrifying creature (buffalo), plowed the field, planted rice, sorted it and crushed it (because without these skills we cannot and will not find husbands). We also bathed with the buffalo. Following this, we dropped off fragile Annika at home base and went to lunch at a restaurant. We then went to an ice cream place and then Joy’s farm, in which we cleared a field. This was followed by our journey back to home base and a meeting about failure (JK Rowling speech). I am now sitting in the kitchen making tea. Farewell!
The Hike
Hello! Today, we woke up at the lodge and prepared for a hike with our guide, Bird. We went through hill tribes and farm land with beautiful scenery, and although many of us enjoyed it, it was quite an ordeal. The combination of heat and climbing up muddy hills made it especially difficult- I’ve never been so sweaty in my entire life.
We came back to the lodge and learned how to make papaya salad with grilled chicken and sticky rice! It was delicious and after we ate, we went to a waterfall and climbed around for a bit. Finally, we came back to Joy’s House to eat dinner and relax until bed time.
An Exhausting Day
Today we had a meeting with a community leader; we were given a tour of the learning center and did arts and crafts with the villagers. Afterwards, we all had a very relaxing Thai massage and went to the mall, then we went to the Sunday market and shopped ’til we dropped. By the end of the day, we were all so exhausted, especially since we hadn’t come back to home base since 8:45 AM. Now we’re all about to get ready for an exciting day at Joy’s Farm tomorrow!
A Full Day
So on Friday we woke up a little bit earlier to get to the village where we would start our hike. We had to drive in 2 separate vans because all of us couldn’t fit into 1 van. Not to brag but my van was poppin’. By the way shout to Salina for playing banging music (Beyoncé is life). 45 minutes into the drive we stopped at where we thought we would be hiking. Later we found out we were actually going to explore a cave. It was kind of scary because we had to pass through really tight spaces and some of us felt light headed. Other than that it was really cool, there were even temples inside the cave and since it was Buddha day there we a lot of people inside. We also played a game to try to guess what the rocks looked like. Salina’s and Nina’s game was ON POINT. After the cave we got back into our 2 separate vans and headed to the village. Once we arrived we started to hike up the mountain. The first 15 minutes were a STRUGGLE but we did it. The hike was about 2 hours and when we got to the lodge we were DONE. We ate dinner and did a group activity. After that we had hot chocolate and sat next to a campfire and DIDN’T tell horror stories because Lilah and Salina were toooo scared. That’s about it. Stay Gucci ✌️.
The Adventures Continue…
For the first half of the day we taught three lessons at the school, as usual. The kids are always a joy to be around 🙂
Although this is always exciting, the MOST exciting part of the day was the second half. We started off by taking a 1hr ride to the hillsides where we would see the Akha hill tribe people. When we arrived there we were taken around their homes, gardens, land and living area by a woman who is from the Akha tribe herself (but she now lives in Chiang Mai). We walked around their land while we listened and learned about the Akha people (they believe that almost everything can be eaten or put to use; and they personally grow all their own food). The pouring rain was unpleasant but we rocked the ponchos. We got to see the type of clothing that a woman wears and tasted their food. We got the opportunity to go into the home of one Akha family and they fed us a meal that they prepared. It was vegetarian, spicy, but delicious. After speaking some more with the Akha family we made our way back to our home base.
At the home base we rapidly changed and were headed to eat. For dinner we had American food which everyone was so excited about!! It was all soo good, from the barbecue ribs to the spicy chicken wings; the pizza to the brownie desert. Although Thai food is great; we all missed this kind of food and everyone stuffed themselves, haha. After dinner we got time to walk around the Night Bazaar and everyone picked out things for themselves, their family and friends.
The night ended with everyone talking together a bit before going to bed. We’ve got exciting things happening tomorrow so stayed tuned for that. As for now, peace out! 🙂
Hello it’s Annika here! We started off the day by teaching three classes at the local school. Then we ate lunch at the school and played with the children!
After teaching English at the school we went to the Illusion Art museum which was filled with paintings which were optical illusions. We could become apart of the paintings which was super fun!
After the museum we went to a huge Thai mall and saw shops that we don’t have at home and did some shopping! We had some time to relax at the home base and made some friendship bracelets! Lastly we ate dinner at Joy’s House and had some leadership talks in the late evening!
A Filled Day
Today we went to the school and visited our beloved bean sprouts (which FYI we planted on the first day). Amanda and I then went to teach the kindergarteners the numbers (improv lesson) whilst the others waited eternally for their lessons to begin (only to then find out that these were cancelled as it was Buddha day at the school). Following this revelation, they then visited the school temple and left offerings to the monk (singular). We then waited in a classroom and planned English Day (coming soon to a blog near you) and then Pi Four politely got us out of there. We then went shopping for materials for English Day, followed by a visit to a restaurant (in which we ate chicken and melon ice cream). We then waited at a cafe until our Thai boxing lesson began. Thai boxing is, as you’d expect, boxing. We learned oh so very much (most memorable of which was how to count to ten in Thai) and were very entertained by an individual’s ripping of their trousers (cough cough Ana). After sweating off everything we have ever consumed in our lives, we went back to Joy’s House and then went to dinner at a ‘mall’ (shopping centre for us English people). Now we’re back and I’m in charge today so I must get everyone to practice our Thai dancing. I must go now, so farewell!
-Elizabeth N Hitti
Today was jam packed with amazing adventures! First, we went biking alongside rice patties and a huge man made lake. It was a challenging 15 km ride, but the views were well worth it. After lunch, we kayaked in the man made lake and went swimming. At night we got to walk around the sunday night market and everyone bought trinkets and THAI PANTS!! We’re all looking forward to going back to the school and working tomorrow.
Maetaman Elephant Camp
Today we visited Maetaman Elephant Camp and had the opportunity to ride/bathe the elephants and go rafting down the river. We also learned how to recycle elephant dung into paper. Afterwards, we headed back to home base and were given free time to relax and do our daily evening activities. Tomorrow we’ll be having an eventful day filled with a ton of physical activity so we’ll keep you posted!
A Fantastic Day!
We started off the day by going back to teach English to younger students at the school. Then, one of the teachers gave us lessons in a Thai dance we’re performing next week for the school’s English day. We ate lunch with the kids and left for Sarapeepittayakom School, where we met students our age and played games with them after a brief presentation and music/dance performances. Afterwards, we spilt off into groups and the students gave us tours around their school. We all had a great time; they treated us like celebrities! At the end of the day, we went back to Joy’s House and enjoyed some much needed down time. During our meeting, we watched a lecture by an African author about “single stories” and the importance of hearing different points of view. We had a fantastic day, and we can’t wait to meet the elephants tomorrow!
First Day at the School
Today was our first day at the school. The program coordinator gave us a lesson plan to do with the kids. After 2 hours of teaching what we had planned for that day we learned how to plant our own bean sprouts. We left the school and had coffee at a shopping mall. After an hour or so we went and learned techniques for meditation from a monk and asked questions about their beliefs. Now that we are back at home we’re practicing our performance for the thai kids tomorrow! Good night!
Starting Off
Today we briefly visited the school we will be volunteering at for the next few days and met the English teacher that works there.
We visited multiple temples and were blessed health and happiness by a monk and took some pictures.
After the temples we had a cooking class with a really funny Thai guy and made pad thai noodles, spring rolls, green curry with vegetables and sticky rice with mango. It was all super delicious and we were totally stuffed.
At the end of the night we had a quick orientation from one of our directors and did some arts and crafts.
By: Amanda
First Day
We are so excited to have all of the girls here! Today we were greeted by Joy’s house staff and had dinner together. We all got to hear live guitar being played by Joy’s house residents during dinnertime. The girls spent some time getting to know each other, but the rest of the night was free to rest. We have so many exciting activities planned for the days to come!
We’ve Arrived!
All students have arrived in Thailand and are ready for an amazing program! Stay tuned for blog posts and photos!
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